What is CloudLinux LVE and what are my limits? Print

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We use the amazing CloudLinux OS to optimise the security and performance of our servers.

Among the plethora of CloudLinux OS features is Lightweight Virtual Environment, or LVE for short. CloudLinux LVE creates small, isolated environments for every user on the server, with each user recieving a specified chunk of dedicated resources and security lockdown features. LVE gives users peace of mind that their web hosting neighbors cannot inter-access their data on the same server, nor can they "steal" CPU, RAM or SSD speed from them.

Using CloudLinux LVE, each web hosting package is assigned a limit of server resources it can consume, of which limit increases as the package is upgraded with more space and websites. Here is a list of the current limits of the hosting packages:

  Home-L Plan Home-XL Plan Home-XXL Plan
CPU Up to 1GHz Up to 2Ghz Up to 3GHz
RAM 300MB 800MB 1.5GB
Number of processes Up to 10 Up to 15 Up to 20
MySQL concurrent connections Up to 30 Up to 30 Up to 30
Storage access speed 1MB per second 2MB per second 3MB  per second
Number of files/folders stored 50,000 inodes 100,000 inodes 150,000 inodes



  Pro-L Plan Pro-XL Plan Pro-XXL Plan
CPU Up to 3GHz Up to 6Ghz Up to 9GHz
RAM 1.5GB 3GB 4.5GB
Number of processes Up to 30 Up to 60 Up to 90
MySQL concurrent connections Up to 30 Up to 30 Up to 30
Storage access speed 10MB per second 15MB per second 20MB  per second
Number of files/folders stored 150,000 inodes 300,000 inodes 450,000 inodes




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