
How to Install RabbitMQ Server on CentOS 7 RabbitMQ is an open-source message broker, which can be used to greatly enhance the speed of... How to correctly change the hostname on CentOS 6 & 7 servers Struggling to correctly change the hostname of your CentOS server? Not to worry, these simple... How to install Elasticsearch 7.x on AlmaLinux 8 Elasticsearch is gaining popularity as a modern, fast and powerful search engine. It can... How to install Elasticsearch 7.x on CentOS 7 Elasticsearch is gaining popularity as a modern, fast and powerful search engine. It can... Install Composer 1.x on cPanel or CWP servers Composer is a popular dependency manager for PHP, and is used by many scripts nowadays to... Installing the latest mainline kernel on AlmaLinux 8 Many customers wish to use the latest Mainline Linux kernel on their AlmaLinux boxes due to the... Installing the latest mainline kernel on CentOS 6 & 7 Many customers wish to use the latest Mainline Linux kernel on their CentOS boxes due to the... Mass update 'contact email' address of all cPanel accounts Recently a customer approached us about bulk changing all of their cPanel account's contact email... Move from FirewallD to iptables on CentOS 7 Below we'll give you a list of commands to convert your CentOS 7 server from using FirewallD to... Setting and syncing time on CentOS 6 & 7 with ntp It's important to keep your server's time and date correct and in-sync, so that logs and visitor... cPanel: Firefox users see "sec_error_ocsp_try_server_later" Problem: You've installed your SSL certificate on to your cPanel server, and most browsers are...
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